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Evrytania, GreeceSurrounded by high fir and chestnut tree forests, just in the heart of continental Greece rests the province of Evritania, motherland of proud and friendly people. The region is located on an area of   746 square miles and its capital city, Karpenissi, has a population of about 10,000 inhabitants.

Courtesy of www.photostelios.grIt has got a very clean environment due to less human activity, and it is highly recommended to travellers that seek natural life combined to comfortable accommodation and other facilities.

The sky-high mountains and the buzzing sound of the thunderous rivers with their refreshing springs, are a real temptation for anyone that wants to explore the Greek country, and enjoy the still uncontaminated nature or even more have the experience to interact with it.


It isn't Niagara, but it's all the same, isn't it?The territory is also recommended for winter tourism, to those who enjoy skiing as a healthy recreation. High standard facilities, ski lifts, and easy approaching, make Evritania the ideal place to spend your winter vacations.

It is worthwhile visiting Evritania, any time of the year, either you want to smell the perfume of the roses and basil in springtime or to enjoy the cosiness of the fireplace while the severe North winds freeze the snow white country. 



Snow in Greece? Yes, it's a fact!

Evritania will give you all its best and won't ask from you anything but love and care for its forests. That will be the only cost for you to be welcomed in the paradise called Evritania.

It is blessed to have a perfect climate combination: Central Europe - like winters and Greeklike Summers. None could ask for more!

Springtime... Mount Velouchi is reviving again!


Επισκέψεις μέχρι 1-1-2004: 12.500  Επισκέψεις από 1-1-2004: